Tuesday 28 October 2014

Guide To Dental Bridges

Taking care of your oral health is as important as your physical health. When talking about oral health, teeth are the most important part of it. Teeth play an important role in many necessary daily functions, such as eating and talking. Other than that, having a beautiful set of teeth also makes your smile and overall personality more attractive. Therefore, taking a good care of teeth is necessary to prevent any oral disease or tooth problems.

Losing one or more teeth can cause problems in speaking and eating and also degrades your smile and overall personality. However, there is a solution to overcome this problem. Planting Dental Bridges is the most ideal and safe solution to make up for a missing tooth and recover your beautiful smile and overall looks.
Dental Bridges is a dental restoration technique with usually two important components: replacement tooth and dental crowns. Dental crowns are attached on the both sides of replacement tooth (also known as Pontics). In this procedure, a replacement tooth is placed on the missing tooth spot and the dental crowns are fixed on the adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. Therefore, a bridge, made up of replacement tooth and crowns, is created to cover the empty spot while using the neighboring teeth as the support of the bridge or replacement tooth. That is why it is known as the dental bridge.
Dental bridges can also be used to make up for more than one missing teeth. The replacement tooth used in the procedure is made up of porcelain, gold, alloy, or mixture of these materials. The material used depends on the location of missing tooth and the condition of patient.
Dental bridges come in three main types.
Traditional Bridges: This type of bridge is made up of either porcelain or ceramic. The procedure of implanting this type of bridge is same as the usual method which is already explained above. Tradition bridges are the most used type of bridges.
Cantilever Bridges: This type of bridge is only used in case when there is no tooth on the either side of the missing tooth spot.
Maryland Bonded Bridges: This type of bridge is often used when one or more front teeth are missing. This type involves a metal framework to support the plastic tooth with two metal wings on both sides. These metal wings are then attached to the neighboring natural teeth.
Planting dental bridges to make up for one or more missing teeth has obvious advantages. It can solve all the problems caused by a tooth loss; such as problems in eating, chewing and speaking. Furthermore, it also recovers your beautiful smile and overall appearance.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7381949


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