Saturday 10 January 2015

Getting Your Perfect Smile Through Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are used by dentists to replace missing teeth. Having a great smile is the very first thing that people will notice about you. If you have dental problems, it can be both painful and embarrassing. It can color every thing that you do. Sometimes the only option to relieve the pain is to have the tooth pulled. This can leave you with a gapping whole in your mouth where the tooth used to be.

No one wants to walk around with missing teeth. Even if the tooth is in the back of the mouth, it can be uncomfortable to chew, so getting it repaired can really improve your situations.

How Do They Work?

Dental bridges are called such, because they are bridged between two healthy teeth. Usually the false tooth is secured to a plate that sits in the mouth, the plate is then secured with a metal hook on either side to a healthy tooth, usually the type that is constructed in this way can be removed from the mouth. In some cases the bridge is constructed without a plate, it is cemented right to the two healthy teeth on either side of the missing tooth or teeth.

There are two kinds of bridges, a permanent kind and a removable kind. The permanent kind, is typically cemented into place with tooth bond. The removable kind can be removed. The removable type can be taken in and out of the mouth to be cleaned. Sometimes the removable type is referred to as a flipper or a partial plate.

Saving Your Teeth

Dental bridges are far more favorable than full false teeth. You should try to save every natural tooth that you can. A lot of folks do not realize how important it is to hang on to as many teeth of their own. Dental bridges make it possible.

No matter how good false teeth are they are simply not as comfortable as your own teeth are. Most wearers of false teeth will agree that they are always aware that they are wearing false teeth. They slip, they can be uncomfortable and they prevent the wearer from eating certain foods.

Having a great smile is important, but so is being able to eat what you want without fear. Dental bridges can literally bridge the gap so that you can keep as many of your own teeth as possible.

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