Tuesday 15 March 2016

Advantages of Removable Braces

When we talk about braces we often think about metal braces with its metal and rubber wires, this is because metal braces are very common and very noticeable. It is very easy to spot a kid with braces even if he does not smile because it causes the mouth to protrude giving it a weird appearance.
Most individuals who are advised to use braces are afraid not because of the pain or the cost but mainly because of how it will affect your look. Often time's people with braces are thought of as geeks so all of us would do anything to avoid getting braces. What we don't know is that there are removable braces that are available, it may not be common but you can ask your dentist or orthodontist about it.

Removable braces also known as invisalign braces is a transparent, plastic plate that is used to correct and realign your teeth the same as with a metal brace. With an invisalign braces you don't have to worry about the stuffed look on your mouth that a metal brace will give you because with a removable brace people will hardly notice you are using one. Aside from the fact that is it transparent, making it hard to spot, it also does not occupy a large space in your mouth thus preventing it to bulge.
Other than the appearance, the main difference with a metal brace to an invisalign brace is the comfort that the patient feels. With a removable brace you have the option to take it out when brushing so you can thoroughly brush your teeth hence irritation of the gums can be avoided. You can also take it out when you eat or sleep so you will be comfortable at some time. One downfall of this option is that removable braces cost more than the metal ones, so if you have a tight budget then you have no other option but choose a metal brace.
When we talk about braces we often think about metal braces with its metal and rubber wires, this is because metal braces are very common and very noticeable. It is very easy to spot a kid with braces even if he does not smile because it causes the mouth to protrude giving it a weird appearance. Most individuals who are advised to use braces are afraid not because of the pain or the cost but mainly because of how it will affect your look. Often time's people with braces are thought of as geeks so all of us would do anything to avoid getting braces. What we don't know is that there are removable braces that are available, it may not be common but you can ask your dentist or orthodontist about it.
Removable braces also known as invisalign braces is a transparent, plastic plate that is used to correct and realign your teeth the same as with a metal brace. With an invisalign braces you don't have to worry about the stuffed look on your mouth that a metal brace will give you because with a removable brace people will hardly notice you are using one. Aside from the fact that is it transparent, making it hard to spot, it also does not occupy a large space in your mouth thus preventing it to bulge.
Other than the appearance, the main difference with a metal brace to an invisalign brace is the comfort that the patient feels. With a removable brace you have the option to take it out when brushing so you can thoroughly brush your teeth hence irritation of the gums can be avoided. You can also take it out when you eat or sleep so you will be comfortable at some time. One downfall of this option is that removable braces cost more than the metal ones, so if you have a tight budget then you have no other option but choose a metal brace.


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